Monday, December 5, 2011

Snythesis Essay

                                    Synthesis Essay                                   Justin Gabriel
In the Poem “Puce Fairy Book” by Alice Major, also the poem “Forget Prince Charming”, by June Callwood, they both talk about relationships and about the qualities in their mate. In “Puce Fairy Book” the female fails to live up to the males expectations.  In “Forget Prince Charming” The author explains to her granddaughters some qualities you must look out for in a mate before anything. Alice Major would agree with the advise that the grandmother is giving to her granddaughters.

In “Puce Fairy Book” Alice thinks that there are too many relationships in life, where one side of the couple have to many unfair expectations in their partner. “ You wanted Rapunzel waiting in a tower “ shows the male unfair expectation in the female and that he expected her to be beautiful….. ran out of time

The Poet Alice Major would agree with the Grandmothers advise she is giving to her granddaughters because in her poem “Puce Fairy Book” its pretty much the same idea in “Forget Prince Charming” that there is no perfect partner.

Friday, November 4, 2011

On Monday I have Sprinted up Mt Everest, and when i reached the Peak i punched Jesus in the Face. Once I Fired a Rifle, but my stare made the Kill. I am the Godfather's Godfather, I have challenged my shadow to a race, and won. I dont give high five's; only high sixes. On Tuesdays I have given 9 people cuncussions, broken 3 collar bones in the game of Rugby. I made a time machine to go back in time to beat Minoru Yoshida's 10507 non-stop continous pushups and i lost by 1, but the thing is I was doing finger push ups. Once i lapped my oppenent in a drag race and won.

On Wednsday I once i made Apple Juice out of Oranges. Superman came to me for help, more then once aswell.

Friday, October 28, 2011


George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked and she explained "He who laughs last, thinks slowest." Geroge said, "huh?". George is acting like hes dazed and confused he doesnt know how to respone. The only thing George could think of was "Yo you better check yo self. Before you wreck your self." Curleys wife was shocked that George would say such a thing, she was trying really hard to think of something to say back at him and she came up with "A fool and his money are soon partying." Then George was thinking "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak." Just as soon he was about to leave, crooks shows up as fast as he could enter a room, then stated "alright this is Moment of truth".  Crooks is about to finish his book called "Friends and Famliy" which he annonced that is was "Cool as ice". George thought do himself "what is this guy doing here, He's dumb as a rock". Curley's wife was getting annoyed with all of this random talk and stated "This is a waste of time" and then she left the barn back to Curley.


Justin Gabriel                                      Curley                                                 September 15

“Well, nex’ time you answer when you’re spoke to.” Tells of two men George Milton

and Lennie Small that are travelling around America searching for work to make money

during the depression, in the novel “of mice and men” by John Steinbeck. : Let the Big

Guy talk” Curley the bossy little scrawny man. “He done quite a bit in the Ring” the

swapper says, Curley likes a lot of little guys. Curley hates big guys always picking fights

and scrapping with them. “Well she got the eye” the swapper explained and stood up

from the box and said “well I think he married a tard”

Friday, September 30, 2011

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked and she said
He who laughs last, thinks slowest. Geroge said, "huh?". George is acting like hes dazed and confused he doesnt know how to respone. The only thing George could think of was Yo you better check yo self. Before you wreck your self. Curleys wife was shocked that George would say such a thing, she was trying really hard to think of something to say back at him and she came up with A fool and his money are soon partying. Then George was thinking Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Just as soon he was about to leave, crooks shows up then said

Friday, September 9, 2011


The Year of 2012 will be the one of the best years of my life, because that year is my

Graduation. I’m so excited for this high school season to be over and kind of sad that it

Going to be. The reasons for this is because that I won’t be able to see my friends as much

As I do but I want school to be over so I don’t have to go to classes anymore and be in so

Of the boring classes I got this year. Also the last year for high school sports like

Basketball and rugby, I love playing rugby with Maggie, we don’t win that much games

But that doesn’t matter because we all just love the sport, hitting the rucks, throwing a

Nice dummy pass, getting a nice tackle, attending a nice maul and being part of a big

 Scrum, this year may be my last year of rugby with Princess Margret Secondary School

But it won’t be my last time playing on the pitch. This year I didn’t get that bad of classes,

Peer tutoring grade 9s and 10s in physical education which should be a blast. Also I got

English lit, the Sword fights, plays, field trips and the pranks we do in that class, I’m so

Pumped to be in that class, Mrs. Searcy is a awesome teacher to have, she gives us coffee

and hot chocolate when we have her in the morning which is awesome because it helps

me with my thinking, I think. English with Mr. Van Camp should be fun because of the

Teacher, Physical education is always fun. Graduation, I cant wait to be done school, I

Can’t wait for my name to be called at the grad ceremony, which would take a big load of my shoulders.